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Introduction:vialab [2024/02/15 05:39]
hyjeong [Automated Valet Parking (AVP)]
Introduction:vialab [2024/02/15 06:51] (current)
hyjeong [Automated Valet Parking (AVP)]
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 == AVP Demo with Mixed Traffic == == AVP Demo with Mixed Traffic ==
-In a <color #​241ced>​**mixed traffic**</​color>​ scenario, ​+In a <color #​241ced>​**mixed traffic**</​color>​ scenario, ​our AVP golf cart accurately perceives both stationary and dynamic objects in its surrounding environment,​ enabling it to generate safe paths and avoid collisions in real-time. This advanced capability allows the AVP golf cart to confidently navigate and park itself in unstructured parking areas with arbitrary traffic, eliminating the need for driver intervention.
 {{ :​Introduction:​avp_mt.mp4?​960x560 | AVP with Mixed Traffic}} {{ :​Introduction:​avp_mt.mp4?​960x560 | AVP with Mixed Traffic}}
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 ==== Automated Guided Vehicles Control System (ACS) ====  ==== Automated Guided Vehicles Control System (ACS) ==== 
-To coordinate the access of multiple AGVs to the shared resources, such as intersection,​ we are currently developing an <color #​ed1c24>​**open-source,​ platform-independent,​ and vendor-independent AGV control system (ACS)**</​color>​ which will be actually deployed in a factory of [[https://​www.swhitech.com |Sungwoo HiTech]] ​in March 2023. +To coordinate the access of multiple AGVs to the shared resources, such as intersection,​ we are currently developing an <color #​ed1c24>​**open-source,​ platform-independent,​ and vendor-independent AGV control system (ACS)**</​color>​ which has been actually deployed in a factory of [[https://​www.swhitech.com |Sungwoo HiTech]] ​from December ​2023. 
-The hardware ​abstraction layer (HAL) of our ACS mitigates the protocol inconsistency over multi-vendor AGVs, and provide the unified protocol interface to the core modules of our ACS system. The video (2 X speed) below shows that our ACS can successfully coordinate the simultaneous access of [[https://​www.meidensha.com/​products/​logistics/​prod_01/​index.html | Meidensha]] and [[https://​www.aiki-tcs.co.jp/​carrybee?​lang=en | Aichi CarryBee]] AGVs at the intersection: ​+The <color #​ed1c24>​**AGV ​abstraction layer (AAL)**</​color> ​of our ACS mitigates the protocol inconsistency over multi-vendor AGVs, and provide the unified protocol interface to the core modules of our ACS system. The video (2 X speed) below shows that our ACS can successfully coordinate the simultaneous access of [[https://​www.meidensha.com/​products/​logistics/​prod_01/​index.html | Meidensha]] and [[https://​www.aiki-tcs.co.jp/​carrybee?​lang=en | Aichi CarryBee]] AGVs at the intersection: ​
 {{ :​Introduction:​agv_final.mp4?​960x540 | ACS Traffic Coodination}} {{ :​Introduction:​agv_final.mp4?​960x540 | ACS Traffic Coodination}}
 +== ACS Deployment at Sungwoo HiTech ==
 +Our ACS has been successfully deployed at a new production line of Sungwoo HiTech'​s Seo-Chang factory in December 2023. The ACS efficiently manages the flow of AGVs at intersections,​ optimizing scheduling and dispatching through integration with Sungwoo HiTech'​s Manufacturing Execution System (MES).
 +{{ :​Introduction:​acs_seochang_factory.mp4?​960x540 |ACS @ Seo-Chang}}
 === Non-Destructive In-Line Inspection for Smart Infrastructure === === Non-Destructive In-Line Inspection for Smart Infrastructure ===