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Introduction:Notice [2023/02/03 12:59]
hyjeong [Notice]
Introduction:Notice [2024/07/03 13:30] (current)
hyjeong [Notice]
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 ===== Notice ===== ===== Notice =====
 +  * [2023-01-27] The paper titled ​ **<color #​241ced>​Context-Aware Navigation Protocol for Safe Driving in Vehicular Cyber-Physical Systems</​color>​** is published to //IEEE Trans on Intelli. Transport. Syst.// (in collaboration with IoTLab, SKKU).  ​
 +  * [2021-05-27] We participate in the **<color #​241ced>​Color-Modulated Extra-Sensory Perception Technology Research Center</​color>​** (NRF ERC project) from June 2021
 +  * [2021-03-01] We participate in the **<color #​241ced>​AGV control system (ACS) project</​color>​** (partly sponsored by [[https://​www.swhitech.com | Sungwoo HiTech]]) from March 2021.  ​
 +  * [2020-11-23] We participate in **<color #​241ced>​AI Grand ICT Research Center</​color>​** at Dongeui University from Jan. 2021.
   * [2020-09-23] We changed our laboratory name to **<color #​ed1c24>​Vehicle Intelligence and Autonomy Laboartory (vialab)</​color>​** to better reflect what we are currently doing in PNU.   * [2020-09-23] We changed our laboratory name to **<color #​ed1c24>​Vehicle Intelligence and Autonomy Laboartory (vialab)</​color>​** to better reflect what we are currently doing in PNU.
   * [2020-09-11] We configured our test vehicle for our vehicle positioning research.   * [2020-09-11] We configured our test vehicle for our vehicle positioning research.